All digital game files, ROMs and game images we included with our custom arcades are strictly provided as a digital backup to the purchaser. Allowing the purchaser to receive digital backups of their game collections that do not have the hardware and/or knowledge to do so themselves. We do not have any knowledge of your legal rights or entitlement for these mentioned ROM binaries/Game images. We make no claims on the legal status of these ROMs or artwork.
All files we include are freely available from http://www.archive.org. Where you must abide by their terms of service found (https:/www.archive.org/about/terms.php). Any sales provided on this website is for hardware provided, labor, shipping and handling, server fees, and also consulting. We do not charge for any ROM or CD images that we provide with our arcades. We do not supply or transfer any license or copyright with ArcadePlug products.
By purchasing and operating an arcade built by ArcadePlug, you acknowledge that:
You personally own a license for any ROM / image included with your model arcade.
You will not distribute any of these files illegally.
You will not attempt to make any profit from any of these files.
You have permission to download, install, and use ALL ROM and game image sets that your model arcade provides and that you are strictly using/purchasing our items & services for our unique custom products/hardware and for your personal digital backup purposes.
You agree to the fact that all ROMs and images are included by us in good faith, and we can NOT be held responsible if users use a ROM or image illegally.
We make no representation regarding the completeness, functionality, or accuracy of any ROM or game image included with a purchase and that this data will be error-free.
By requesting/purchasing an arcade, which provides these ROMs and game images, you agree with and will comply with all the above-aforementioned terms.
If you do not agree with any of these terms, please do not purchase any item available for sale on our website. ArcadePlug reserves the right to refuse service to any one person on the entity for any reason we feel necessary.
ArcadePlug does not condone or promote piracy, please purchase modern games to support the game developers and companies; We are avid supporters of purchasing current generation console games. If ArcadePlug lists and/or includes a ROM/Game you own the copyrights to and need it removed, contact us. We are DMCA-compliant and happy to work with you.
All artwork belongs to its original owners. If any of our images violate your IP's please contact us and we will gladly remove them.
DMCA / Removal Request
ArcadePlug respects the intellectual property rights and other proprietary rights of others. Be sure the ROM/File you are asking to be removed actually contains the copyrighted file you're inquiring about. To send a claim, include the following information:
Identification of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;
Your address, telephone number, and email address;
A statement by you that you have a good-faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
A statement by you, made under penalty of perjury, that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the owner of the copyright interest involved or are authorized to act on behalf of that owner;
Your electronic or physical signature.
You may send an email to gamesourceunlimited@gmail.com for all DMCA / Removal Requests.ArcadePlug